Open positions

Current Positions on the ETH Job Portal

All vacancies at ETH Zurich

PhD and Postdoc Positions

Even if we do not have an open position at the moment (see job portal info above), we might consider applications from highly qualified and motivated candidates with excellent research proposals and track records.

Please also check open positions at ETH Zurich for (upcoming) positions in the near future.

Student research assistant or internship

We are offering a positions for student research assistants from time to time. We are open to people with technical backgrounds as well as to those with psychology/humanities backgrounds.

Unfortunately, we do not have any open positions at the moment.


Master Theses

We regularly offer thesis projects for Master students. If you are interested in working on topics at the intersection of humans, IT security and privacy, then please take a look at the currently offered theses projects.

Academic guest

If you want to become our academic guest and are interested in working on topics at the intersection of humans, IT security and privacy, please get in touch.

Please note that we already are at our capacity limit for 2025, but may be able to host you in 2026.