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09 April 2024 - We hacked the hacker! Together with partners from CYREN ZH, we played the Escape Room at Switch. It was great fun to increase our cybersecurity awareness and learn about password hashes and security. Thanks to Switch and Fabio Greiner!

20 March - Swiss Cyber Circle: What an interesting session with the external pageSwiss Cyber Circle focusing on how to prepare for and train for cybersecuirty crisis that we supported as a research partner. Thanks to everyone involved and the hosts Milena Thalmann, Peter Kosel and Stefan von Rohr.

23rd February 2024 - HCI@ETH: The SPG group is part of HCI@ETH, a great initiative to make human-computer interaction research at ETHZ visible and to connect related groups across departments. Check out the new corresponding website.  

1st February 2024 - Informatiktage: The SPG team will proudly support the Informatiktage 2024 at ETH with a talk on "Mensch-Computer-Interaktion: Der Mensch als Sicherheitsfaktor" on Saturday 23rd March. For more details please see the external pageprogram.

17th January 2024 - Swiss Cyber Circle: Prof. Verena Zimmermann, Lorin Schöni and Neele Roch led a workshop on "Can IT Security learn from Safety?" in this year's first session of the external pageSwiss Cyber Circle. Thanks to the great organizing commitee and the engaging discussions with the participating CISOs. We are looking forward to the next sessions.

8th December 2023 - Xmas dinner & event: Beautiful hike in the snow from Üetliberg to Felsenegg with well-deserved dinner there.

14th November 2023 - ETH AI Center: Verena Zimmermann is now part of the ETH AI Center faculty as an associated member. We are looking forward to a great collaboration and exciting AI-related projects in the context of human-centered security and privacy research. The ETH AI Center is also currently seeking candidates for PhD/Post-Doc positions, including with a focus on human-centered AI and security/privacy aspects. You can find further information at If you have any inquiries please don't hesitate to reach out. The application deadline is November 22, 2023.

26th October - Security Awareness Day: Verena Zimmermann had the opportunity to speak at the external page#SecurityAwarenessDay organised by SWITCH in Bern. She talked about how we can move from what we can't do to what we can do to enhance cybersecurity resilience. Take a look at the external pagevideo. Thanks to SWITCH for the great organisation and the fantastic audience!

Jennifer Klütsch, Guest speaker

28th September 2023 - Guest Speaker: Our Visiting Researcher, Jennifer Klütsch, will hold a talk from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. on "Privacy Research, its Experimental Approaches and Statistical Data Analysis". If you are interested, we are happy to send the zoom link.

JDPLS Summer School

21. - 22. September 2023 - JDPLS Summer School in Murten/BE: Our new doctoral student, Adrienn Toth, started in the second cohort. Prof. Verena Zimmermann participated as supervisor. The ETH Zurich - EPFL Joint Doctoral Program in the Learning Sciences JDPLS educates a new generation of dual-disciplined scientists.

Prof. Verena Zimmermann at the Industry Day in September 2023

6th September 2023 – ETH Industry Day: The Security, Privacy and Society group participated in the ETH Industry Day with Prof. Verena Zimmermann as a speaker and a booth in the exhibition. We enjoyed the interesting exchanges with people from industry and academia alike. Find more information about the industry day and with a short video.

14th August - CASA Summer School: Verena Zimmermann was invited as a speaker to the external pageCASA Summer School at Ruhr University Bochum where she also introduced a game-based approach to cybersecurity that she works on with Linda Fanconi.  

SPG Group with Prof. Verena Zimmermann

10/11th August - Team Retreat: In our first team retreat we had the option to not only work intensely on our projects but also to enjoy the beautiful external pageKartause Ittingen and surroundings.   

17th May - Karen Renaud: We welcomed Dr. Karen Renaud from the Strathclyde University, Glasgow as guest speaker. She gave a talk in the ISTP Colloquium and contributed to an event with our collaboration partners from the external pageDigital Society Initiative and the project CYREN-ZH.


We would like to welcome Drifa ATLADOTTIR to our team. She will be our new student assistant, starting March 1, 2024.

We would like to welcome Xiaowei CHEN to our group. He will be our academic guest for three months, starting on March 1st, 2024.

We would like to welcome Yuanzhou CAI to our team. He will be our new student assistant, starting February 1, 2024.

We would like to welcome Noé ZUFFEREY to our team. He will be our new Postdoctoral Researcher starting on February 1st, 2024.

Current Theses Projects

Take a look at our currently offered theses and student projects!

Book on Human Factors in Privacy Research

The external pagebook "Human Factors in Privacy Research" to which Verena Zimmermann contributed a chapter on Privacy Nudges has just been published open access. It nicely summarizes current and future trends for human-centered privacy.

International Symposium on Technikpsychologie (TecPsy) in 2023

One of our collaboration partners, the work and engineering pychology group at TU Darmstadt, has organized the external pageInternational Symposium on Technikpsychologie (TecPsy) on 15th February 2023 in collaboration with Verena Zimmermann. The proceedings will soon be available from external pageSciendo open access.

14th March 2023 - Globe Magazine of ETH: The current issue of the Globe Magazine of ETH features an interview conversation with Prof. Verena Zimmermann, Prof. Joachim Buhmann and Prof. Elgar Fleisch on the role of emotions in the area of human-technology interaction and AI. Read the interview in Globe Magazine.

5th April 2023 - Podcast: With great pleasure Verena Zimmermann was interviewed for the podcast series "Frauen machen MINT" ("Women do STEM") by the external pageFemtec.Alumnae e.V. (FTA), a network for motivated and technology-enthusastic women in academia with a background in the STEM sciences. external pageListen to the podcast on human-centered security and privacy topics.

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