Teaching & Theses

Please find information of

  • the Courses
  • the Behavioral Studies Colloquium
  • Theses Projects

currently offered by the Security, Privacy and Society group as well as an overview on the course portfolio.

Current Courses

Course Overview

Behavioural Studies Colloquium

The Behavioral Studies Colloquium is hosted by all professorships within the Behavioral Section of D-​GESS: Prof. Ulrik Brandes, Prof. Emily Cross, Prof. Dirk Helbing, Prof. Christoph Hölscher, Prof. Manu Kapur, Prof. Martina Rau, Prof. Christoph Stadtfeld, Prof. Elsbeth Stern and Prof. Verena Zimmermann. It takes place every semester and is organized by a different professorship each year. Prof. Verena Zimmermann organizes the current Behavioral Studies Colloquium.

Human-Centered IT Security and Privacy

The course Human-Centered IT Security and Privacy concerns the intersection of computer science and psychology. It is designed as a combination of a lecture and exercises and takes place each spring semester.

See in the current Course Catalogue (VVZ).

Human-Centered IT Security and Privacy Lab

The project seminar Human-Centered IT Security and Privacy Lab takes place every fall semester.

The course is particularly suitable for all students who have already completed the course “Human-centered IT Security and Privacy” as some of the concepts introduced will practically be applied in this course. However, the relevant literature and necessary material will be provided to all students and basic concepts will be briefly summarized so that all interested students can participate.

See in the current Course Catalogue (VVZ) of ETH.

Privacy Quantification and Usable Protection Mechanisms

Students will gain an overview of the main privacy metrics that are used to evaluate privacy risks related to the use of a given technology. They will also be introduced to the concepts of privacy/utility balance and usable security. Practical exercises and reading of recently published scientific articles will be used to present practical cases of the theoretical tools presented in class.

See in the current Course Catalogue (VVZ) of ETH.

Currently Offered Theses Projects

1) Master Thesis or Student Project: "Positive" Cybersecurity Incident Reporting

What can we learn from cybersecurity incident reporting data bases, not only with regards to negative outcomes but also secure operation?

Please take a look at the Download advertisement (PDF, 139 KB)

2) Master Thesis: Inferential privacy impact of LLM-based chatbot usage

To what extent can an LLM-based chatbot infer an individual’s private information from their interaction?

Please take a look at the Download advertisement (PDF, 169 KB)

3) Master Thesis or Student Project: Chatbot Assistant for Phishing Prevention

How can we design a cybersecurity tool that assists users in phishing prevention? Please take a look at the Download advertisement (PDF, 182 KB)