The SPG group in the ETH news

The article "Authenticate As You Go: From Exploring Smart Home Authentication with Daily Objects to Authenticating with Primary Tasks" by Zimmermann et al. is featured in the ETH news article.
InnoCheque granted

An InnoCheque has been granted by Innosuisse to start of an exciting project with SWITCH and White Rabbit Communications.

The new SRF Podcast series "Die Cookiefalle" features Verena Zimmermann and our collaborator Nico Ebert.
We would like to welcome our academic guest Anastasija COLLEN, starting on 14 October, 2024 for a month.

EuroUSEC Presentation

At the EuroUSEC 2024 conference in Karlstad, Lorin Schöni presented our paper, You Know What? - Evaluation of a Personalised Phishing Training Based on Users' Phishing Knowledge and Detection Skills.
RTS Radio Broadcast with Noé Zufferey

In the radio episode "Montres connectées et sécurité" Noé discusses his research on the potential to infer personality traits from smartwatch data, such as step count.
Team Event - SUP

We had the pleasure of spending a sunny afternoon on Lake Zurich, enjoying Stand Up Paddling with the entire team.
Distinguished Paper Award

Distinguished Paper Award: Our paper "Beyond Fear and Frustration - Towards a Holistic Understanding of Emotions in Cybersecurity" won the Distinguished Paper Award at SOUPS this year. Congratulations, Alexandra!
Invitation to join Pre-SOUPS talks
On the 30 July from 10 to 11.30 pm at STB G 14 we will have the pleasure to receive insights into three off-the-press publications that will all be presented at this year's SOUPS - the Usenix Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security research.