Innovedum Project Granted

We are so happy to have the chance to develop a learning tool that aims to leverage the benefits of personalizing learning content to students while making the privacy implications thereof graspable and controllable. The project is labelled "PIA - Privacy Implications of AI-based Personalized Learning Tools" and financially supoorted by Innovedum.
Paper accepted

Congratulations to Neele Roch who has an article accepted at the Symposium on Usable Privacy and Security entitled "Navigating Autonomy: Unveiling Security Experts' - Perspectives on Augmented Intelligence in Cybersecurity". She will present our work in August in Philadelphia.
Paper accepted

Congratulations to Adrienn Toth who will present two papers in the Late Breaking Work track and within the Doctoral Consortium at the ACM UMAP conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization in Cagliari, Sardinia.
Behavioral Studies Colloquium

Dr. Verena Distler from the University of the Bundeswehr, Munich, gave a talk in the Behavioral Studies Colloquium entitled “Mechanisms of Manipulation: How Technology Users Interact with Manipulative and Deceptive Communication.”