Xmas dinner & event
Beautiful hike in the snow from Üetliberg to Felsenegg with well-deserved dinner there.
ETH AI Center
Verena Zimmermann is now part of the ETH AI Center faculty as an associated member.
Security Awareness Day
Verena Zimmermann had the opportunity to speak at the #SecurityAwarenessDay organised by SWITCH in Bern.
Guest Speaker

Our Visiting Researcher, Jennifer Klütsch, will hold a talk from 4:30 - 5:30 p.m. on "Privacy Research, its Experimental Approaches and Statistical Data Analysis". If you are interested, we are happy to send the zoom link.
JDPLS Summer School in Murten/BE

Our new doctoral student, Adrienn Toth, started in the second cohort. Prof. Verena Zimmermann participated as supervisor. The ETH Zurich - EPFL Joint Doctoral Program in the Learning Sciences JDPLS educates a new generation of dual-disciplined scientists.
ETH Industry Day

The Security, Privacy and Society group participated in the ETH Industry Day with Prof. Verena Zimmermann as a speaker and a booth in the exhibition.
PostDoc Position
We offer a 100% PostDoc position in human-centered security and privacy research.
Book published

The book "Human Factors in Privacy Research" to which Verena Zimmermann contributed a chapter on privacy nudges is available now open access.
CASA Summer School
Verena Zimmermann was invited as a speaker to the CASA Summer School at Ruhr University Bochum where she also introduced a game-based approach to cybersecurity that she works on with Linda Fanconi.
Team Retreat

In our first team retreat we had the option to not only work intensely on our projects but also to enjoy the beautiful Kartause Ittingen and surroundings.